What Is A Bricked Motherboard?

A “bricked” motherboard is a motherboard that has been damaged so that it can no longer work. This usually occurs when the motherboard has been exposed to liquid damage or corrosion, causing physical damage to the board and components.

So, if you’re wondering why your computer doesn’t turn on or why there’s strange-smelling smoke coming from your PC, this article will help you determine if it could be a bricked motherboard!

What Is a Bricked Motherboard?

A motherboard is a key component of any computer system. It connects all the other components and provides the system with an interface to the outside world.

If a motherboard is bricked, it is unable to function properly. This can be due to various reasons, but in most cases, it is caused by damage to the motherboard itself. If this damage is not fixed quickly, the motherboard will become completely unusable and may even have to be replaced.

If you are experiencing problems with your computer system and think it might be related to the motherboard, consult a professional technician. Brushing your skills will not get you very far in fixing a problem that involves electronics and delicate circuitry.

How It Works

A motherboard is the foundation of your computer. It contains all the components that make up your computer and is responsible for connecting everything. If something goes wrong with your motherboard, it can cause all sorts of problems with your computer.

If your motherboard is “bricked,” it has been damaged so badly that it can no longer be used in a normal computer.

This can happen if you accidentally knock out a component on the motherboard or if something goes wrong with the electrical connections between the components on the board. Either way, you’ll need to get a new motherboard if you want to continue using your computer.

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There are a few ways to tell if your motherboard is ‘bricked’:

  1. If your computer won’t start at all, or if it starts up but crashes shortly, your motherboard probably isn’t working, and you’ll need to replace it.
  2. If you’re getting strange errors while trying to use your computer, or if things don’t seem to be working anymore, then there’s a good chance that your motherboard is bad and needs to be replaced.
  1. Suppose there are large areas of white or black involvement on any of the circuit boards in your system (especially near where the processor would be). In that case, you should probably get a new motherboard because those areas indicate that there’s been damage done to critical components on the board.

Causes of Bricks

A motherboard is the central component of a computer system. It contains all the components necessary to connect and power the other parts of the computer and communicate between them.

When something goes wrong with a motherboard, it can cause all sorts of problems with your computer. Causes of bricks may include faulty hardware or software, damaged connectors, or even problems with the motherboard itself.

If you’re experiencing difficulties with your computer, be sure to take it to a qualified technician for help diagnosing the problem and repairing it if possible.

Symptoms of a Bricked Computer

If your computer won’t turn on, or if you get an error message when you try to start it, it may be because of a problem with the motherboard. A motherboard is the main component of a computer that connects all the other parts.

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If it’s damaged, your computer may not be able to start up at all or may give you various errors. In extreme cases, a motherboard can even become “bricked,” meaning it will no longer function. Here are some common symptoms of a bricked motherboard: Your computer won’t turn on

You get an error message when you try to start it.

Your computer doesn’t recognize any of your peripherals (such as USB devices or graphics cards)

Your computer won’t respond to any commands (including pressing the reset button)

Solutions for a Bricked Motherboard

There are many possible solutions for a motherboard that has been “bricked,” but the most common is to replace it with a new one.

If the computer is still under warranty, the manufacturer may be willing to repair or replace it. If not, you may need to purchase a replacement motherboard and install it yourself.

How do I know if my computer has a bricked motherboard?

A motherboard is the central component of a computer, and if it is damaged or defective, it can prevent your computer from working. A bricked motherboard is when it has been irreparably damaged and cannot be fixed.

If you think your motherboard may have been damaged, there are several ways to check to see if it is. One way is to use a voltmeter to check the voltage levels of your system’s components.

Another way is to remove the motherboard and plug it into another computer to see if it recognizes it. If either method fails, you may need to replace your motherboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine if my motherboard is bricked?

If you cannot start your computer or it won’t boot normally, your first step should be to try resetting the computer as follows: press and hold down the power button for 10 seconds to turn off the computer. Once it has turned off, please wait 30 seconds and then try turning it on again. If the computer doesn’t start, you may need to replace the motherboard. 

How can I fix a bricked motherboard?

If your motherboard is “bricked,” you will likely need to replace it. In some cases, however, there may be a way to fix the problem and get the computer back up and running. 
First, try resetting the computer: press the power button for 10 seconds to turn off the computer. Once it has turned off, please wait 30 seconds and then try turning it on again. If the computer doesn’t start, you may need to replace the motherboard. 
If you are experiencing other problems with your computer, such as blue screens or data loss, it’s best to consult a professional for assistance.


A bricked motherboard is a situation in which it has been damaged so much that it can no longer be used. This damage can occur for several reasons, including liquid spillage or physical impact.

To fix a bricked motherboard, you will need to take it to an authorized technician and have them perform a repair on the board. If you are not able to find an authorized technician in your area, then you may be able to try to fix the board yourself by following one of these guides.

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Matt Wilson
By Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is a PC gaming and hardware expert with years of experience. He's a trusted tech product reviewer for gamers and tech enthusiasts.

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