What You Need to Know About GPUDirect Storage?

When storing large amounts of data, consider using GPUDirect Storage. GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in Nvidia’s Tesla GPUs that allows for accelerated storage of large files. This is great news for gamers and anyone who needs to store large amounts of data quickly and easily.

The Tesla GPU’s power allows you to access your data more quickly and with less hassle. Learn more about GPUDirect Storage in this blog post and see how it can benefit your business.

What is GPUDirect Storage?

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in Windows 10 that lets you access your graphics card’s storage directly.

With GPUDirect Storage, you can store your games and other files on the graphics card, bypassing your computer’s internal storage. This is great if you want to keep your games and files portable or have limited disk space on your computer.

To use GPUDirect Storage, first, make sure that your graphics card is enabled in Windows 10. Then open the Start menu, search for “GPUDirect Storage,” and select it from the results. You’ll see a screen like the one below.

You’ll need to provide information about your graphics card on this screen. First, specify which drive (internal or external) on your computer should be used as the storage location for GPUDirect Storage.

Next, specify a pathname for the directory where all your games and files will be stored. Lastly, click Okay to create the directory and start using GPUDirect Storage.

If everything goes according to plan, you should now be able to open any game or file that was originally written for Windows 10 using DirectX 11 or later with no changes required!

The only difference between playing these files on your computer and a dedicated gaming rig is that you’ll likely get slightly lower frame rates due to the increased demands on your graphics card (assuming everything is set up correctly).

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How to enable GPUDirect Storage?

GPUDirect Storage is a new Windows 10 that allows game developers to bypass the traditional filesystem and access the GPU directly. You can use your graphics card to offload tasks like texture streaming, rendering, or compute-intensive calculations from your main CPU.

To enable GPUDirect Storage, open the Settings app and go to System > Device Management. Under “Graphics controllers,” make sure “Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) or later” is selected under “Graphics controller type.”

Then, under “Available devices,” select “PCIe bridge device” and select “Enable.” Lastly, under “Startup performance,” select “Normal” and click on the button next to it.

Now when you run a game that uses GPUDirect Storage, Windows 10 will use your graphics card to do the heavy lifting instead of your main CPU. This helps speed up gameplay by allowing the graphics card to handle more complex tasks.

How does it work?

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in macOS Mojave that enables app developers to create and use persistent storage for their apps.

GPUDirect Storage makes it possible to store app data on the local disk of a Mac instead of using the system’s temporary file folders. This can be useful for storing app data that doesn’t need to be backed up or synced with other devices.

To use GPUDirect Storage, an app developer must first enable it in their project settings. After that, they can create a persistent storage volume for their app and use the Volume Manager to mount it from within it.

This volume behaves like any other drive on your Mac so that you can access its contents just like any other folder.

Besides being convenient for storing data locally, GPUDirect Storage is also beneficial for performance reasons. Using your Mac’s local disk rather than the system’s temporary files folders reduces the amount of traffic your app sends over the network.

Additionally, when your app updates its data, it will only have to upload the changes rather than downloading everything again.

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How to use GPUDirect Storage

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in Windows 10 that allows gaming laptops to directly access the computer’s graphics processor (GPU) for faster performance.

This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for gaming on the go, as you no longer have to wait for your computer to boot up and start processing graphics commands.

To use GPUDirect Storage, ensure your laptop has the latest drivers installed and is connected to the internet. Then open the Start menu, search for “GPUDirect Storage,” and click on it to open the window shown in Figure A.

From here, you’ll need to select your graphics adapter from the list and decide which games you want to enable GPUDirect mode for.

To do this, select the game from the drop-down menu and click “Enable” next to it. Once you’ve done this, all future games downloaded or installed will be automatically configured to use GPUDirect mode by default.

Note: If you’re using an older laptop that doesn’t have a dedicated graphics card, you won’t be able to use GPUDirect Storage and need to disable hardware acceleration in your browser or other applications before playing games.

How do I get started with GPUDirect Storage?

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in Windows 10 that accelerates graphics workloads on local hard drives instead of relying on the system’s graphics processing unit (GPU). This can be useful for video encoding, image editing, and 3D rendering tasks.

To get started with GPUDirect Storage, you first need to enable it in the Windows 10 Settings app. To do this, open the Settings app and navigate System>Advanced features>Graphics acceleration. Under “Storage type,” select “GPUDirect.”

You will then be prompted to enter a drive letter or mount point where your local hard drive should be mounted.

After making these settings, you can start using GPUDirect Storage by launching an application with intensive graphics processing functionality, like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office 365 Video Editing Studio.

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What are the benefits of using GPUDirect Storage?

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature that allows game developers and other software creators to directly access graphics processing unit (GPU) resources for faster data access.

This can be especially useful when the file or data being accessed is too large to fit on the available memory on an average computer.

“With GPUDirect Storage, you don’t need to wait for your computer’s memory to become free before you can start accessing the graphics card’s resources,” said Leo Pereira, director of marketing at NVIDIA. “You can start accessing the card immediately and use its power to speed up the process.”

Several potential benefits of using GPUDirect Storage include:

  • Faster data access, particularly when working with large files or datasets
  • The reduced load time when running complex calculations or simulations
  • Improved performance when opening files or applications from storage/USB drives
  • Increased productivity when performing media encoding or transcoding tasks

Drawbacks of using GPUDirect Storage

GPUDirect Storage is a new feature within Windows 10 that allows game developers to directly access the graphics card’s memory for faster game loading times. However, there are some potential drawbacks to using this feature.

First, it can be slow compared to traditional storing data methods such as on a hard drive. Additionally, if GPUDirect Storage does not support your graphics card, you will not be able to use it, and the game will likely crash.

Lastly, if your computer crashes or you lose your graphics card, all your data stored in GPUDirect Storage may be lost.


GPUDirect Storage is a new feature in the NVIDIA Tesla architecture that enables data to be stored on the GPU.

This means that applications can access large datasets more efficiently and quickly than ever, which could be particularly useful for deep learning applications or other tasks that demand massive amounts of data processing power. Check out our blog article to learn more about this exciting new technology!

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Matt Wilson
By Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is a PC gaming and hardware expert with years of experience. He's a trusted tech product reviewer for gamers and tech enthusiasts.

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